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3 self-help tools to level up your fitness game

Uncategorized Jan 18, 2021

A strong workout routine and healthy eating habits are crucial if you want to get in shape and/or lose weight. We all know this, and yet so many of us struggle to meet the fitness goals we set for our...

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Low Carb Meal Ideas

While one of the *major* perks of following The Fitt Cycle Program is the inclusion of high-carb days (yay, bread!), the low-carb days can be, well, a little less exciting. 


If you’re used to munc...

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Best stretches for weight training

Uncategorized Nov 19, 2020

If you’ve been following me for some time, you’re well versed in the transformative effects weight training can have on your body. While it’s easy to focus entirely on your goals of growing your booty...

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Creative Ways To Get More Steps In

Getting 10,000 steps in every day seems like an easy task — until you try to do it. With modern life keeping us chained to our desks for work and our couches for relaxation, humans are walking so much...

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How To Enjoy Drinks During Social Events While Still Losing Weight

macros Oct 23, 2020

So often we associate getting healthy, losing weight, staying fit, and all of the above, with having no social life. We think we have to choose between going out with our friends and staying at home t...

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What You Can Do To Push Past Your Mid-Day Slump (and it’s not coffee!)

Is this familiar? You’ve been chugging along with your day when 2 pm hits and suddenly your eyelids won’t stay open and you’re scrambling for the coffee pot to make it through the rest of your afterno...

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How To Combine Activities To Stay Active During The Day

Having a dedicated time to workout at least a few days a week is key to achieving any fitness or health goals you set. But if you’re like most modern-day humans, you spend most of your day on your but...

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Does Drinking Alcohol Derail Your Diet?

So often we associate getting healthy, losing weight and staying fit with having no social life. We think we have to choose between going out with our friends and staying at home to eat yet another pl...

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5 Facts That Will Motivate You To Work Out

Confession time: I don’t always want to work out. 

Even though I’m a fitness and health coach whose entire career is about staying in shape, there are days I just want to sit on my couch and chow dow...

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3 Simple, Easy-To-Follow Meal Prepping Routines

meal prep nutrition tips Sep 06, 2020

When I ask my clients why they haven’t been able to stick with a healthy nutrition plan, many of them blame it on meal prepping.

Cooking healthy meals is too hard!

Figuring out what to eat to fit my...

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