When Is The Best Time To Switch Up Your Fitness Routine?
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When Is The Best Time To Switch Up Your Fitness Routine?

fitness Jul 09, 2020

Hey girl! There are so many fitness programs out there that it’s easy to get “Workout ADD” because you are wanting to try them ALL!! Trust me, I’ve been there!! So, whether you are currently doing a LRF program, or trying something new.. I’m going to give you a few pointers so that YOU know when it’s time to switch things up a bit.

First and foremost, we have ALL heard the quote “it takes 2 weeks to feel a difference, 4 weeks to see a difference, and 8 weeks to hear a difference.” You have also probably heard “it takes at least 21 days to create a habit” and both of these #fitspirationalquotes couldn’t be more true!! The underlying factor is consistency. So again, whether you are starting the #FASTerWayWithLindsay today or trying something new, stick with it for AT LEAST 6-8 weeks.

Outfit:  Lilybod

Outfit: Lilybod


The first indication that you are “out growing” your current program is if the workouts are feeling TOO easy. During your workout you should feel challenged. The longer you adhere to one program, with the same workouts everyday of every week, the easier the routine is going to become. Your body is no longer having to get used to the movements and you need to move on so that you create muscle confusion.

Your workouts should be exciting!! This is a huge deal to me. Now, I totally understand that not all workouts are created equal and most of us would rather binge watch some NETFLIX than get a good sweat sesh in, but hear me out! If your workouts are no longer fun and you are bored, it is definitely time to move on sister. If you lose the excitement and joy that you had when you first started the program, then you will most likely have a lack of motivation to push yourself during the workout, let alone, even want to START the workout. So make sure that you are constantly doing something that you connect with and makes you feel good and excited!

Outfit:  Lilybod

Outfit: Lilybod

The BIGGEST indicator, in my eyes, that it is time to switch up your routine is if you are not seeing results. Now, I do not mean seeing your weight drop drastically on the scale. Remember, the scale is a TERRIBLE indicator of progress. My absolute favorite way to track results is by taking pictures! That selfie ain’t gonna lie to ya girlfriend! What you see is what you get. I highly recommend taking weekly progress pics on a day you wake up feeling extra lean. I tell my ladies to take their after pics on Wednesdays because we have just depleted all of our glycogen stores which means we having been burning fat for 2 days straight!  Put your before and after pic side by side and compare! Another way to track your progress is measurements! I used to be one of those girls that didn’t take the recommended measurements before a program #guilty and when I got to the end, I was so bummed that I didn’t have anything to compare my end results to! Which is a segue into my last point…

If the program has an “end”, don’t start. This is extremely important to me. I do not believe in quick fixes. You should always be looking for a wellness program that is going to jumpstart your new lifestyle. So if you start a 4 or 6 week program, make sure it will be sustainable and that there is an avenue afterwards that you can take. Whether it’s doing the program for another 6-8 weeks, graduating to a more elite version of that program OR finding something you can subscribe to that keeps things exciting, like new workouts each month and new challenges!!

These exact reasons for workout burnout are the exact reasons why I have created my 4 week Fast Track to Fit carb cycling and intermittent fasting intro program, run a 6 week program called FASTer Way To Fat Loss and have VIP membership program for all my boot camp ladies. I believe there are all different levels of wellness, and it’s absolutely appropriate to take baby steps to create that long term, sustainable lifestyle, to keep you from getting burnt out.

If you have currently found yourself in a plateau where you are not feeling challenged, engaged and excited, or just flat out not seeing any results… then it’s time to switch it up babe!!

Try any of the below programs and jump start your lifestyle to sustainable results!

FAST Track To Fit 4 week program

FASTer Way To Fat Loss 6 week virtual bootcamp

VIP Membership

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